Over the past few months since my retirement from international softball I have been looking at ways to fulfil the rest of my working life.
I was asking myself, what do I want to do?
What am I passionate about?
How do I want to look back at my life?
Well in saying all that, and asking myself those questions. I started talking to Chris about what he is passionate about. It turns out we have similar goals and future ideas about helping and assisting children and teenagers.
We both want to share our experiences of achievement and resilience with them.
We have started up a business idea call TLCMentoring.
After 10 years teaching I really want to assist all students not just the one's I was lucky enough to have in my classrooms.
I'm going to attempt to use this blog to show a path in which I'm going to take to achieve my new set of goals. (that in which is to assist others).
Stay tuned